The year is 1915 - you sit inside a dreary office, working as a telegraph operator for the North American rail system.  The dots and dashes of the telegraph machine spell out a dreary, unfulfilling existence. Until one day, a new kind of message appears. 

Empanel is a two-player narrative roleplaying game based around telegrams and queer yearning. Completely diceless, Empanel's messaging-based gameplay is designed for long-distance play between you and a partner. 

Empanel provides a new spin on two-player conversational roleplaying. Step into the shoes of a middle-aged telegraph operator (or anyone, we're not your boss) and  explore the feelings of reconnecting with a love long past. 

  • Send and receive messages in Morse code while building the story
  • Try to infer your partner's hidden desires while furthering your own
  • Create a shared narrative of pining and desire between estranged ex-lovers
  • Use our online translator to encode and decode messages

Downloading Empanel gets you the following:

  • A 7-page PDF with all the rules for running a game of Empanel
  • "I would love to chat dear but it is 1915 and we are 3000 miles away", an original music track.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Empanel.pdf 24 MB
I would love to chat dear but it is 1915 and we are 3000 miles away.flac 33 MB
I would love to chat dear but it is 1915 and we are 3000 miles away.mp3 2.5 MB
Empanel Plaintext.txt 13 kB


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Empanel is a unique, touching experience for two that I enjoyed Greatly. I was fortunate enough to be able to help with the playtest, but it's my goal to play this with as many of my friends as possible!

It's a fun experience; one I recommend!